DreamShaper XL | Civitai

DreamShaper XL | Civitai

Discover the advanced capabilities of DreamShaper XL, now turbocharged for superior performance. The DreamShaper XL - Turbo DPMpp SDE is the latest Stable Diffusion Checkpoint from Civitai, engineered to enhance your generative modeling experience. This powerful model has been meticulously pruned to a lean 6.46 GB file size and comes with a Stability AI Non-Commercial Research Community License, ensuring its usage adheres to non-commercial research domain. Built upon the robust SDXL Turbo base, the DreamShaper XL is adept at creating stunningly realistic results across a diverse range of styles including anime, art, photography, and more. The Turbo edition, optimized for use at a CFG scale of 2 and with 4-7 sampling steps, is best paired with the DPM++ SDE Karras or Normal samplers. With a no-refiner requirement, this model facilitates high-resolution fixes and tiled upscaling, simplifying the workflow for creators. Additional galleries, style comparisons, and workflow tips are freely accessible, providing users with the tools needed to leverage the full potential of the Turbo version. The platform also encourages community support through likes, Patreon contributions, and coffee donations, as a token of appreciation for the continuous updates and enhancements.

Top Features:
  1. Turbocharged Performance: Optimized for high-quality generation with improved speed and efficiency.

  2. Versatile Modeling Capabilities: Capable of producing a wide spectrum of art styles from anime to realistic photography.

  3. User-Friendly Workflow: No need for additional refiners the model includes a workflow for direct upscaling and high-resolution improvements.

  4. Community Involvement: Continuous updates with an invitation for users to support via Patreon or coffee donations.

  5. Extensive Resources: Access to galleries sampler comparisons and tutorials to aid users in maximizing model potential.


1) What is DreamShaper XL?

reamShaper XL is a turbocharged general purpose Stable Diffusion model by Civitai that can create high-quality images for various styles, including anime, art, and realistic photography without the need for an additional refiner.

2) What are the recommended settings for using Turbo DPMpp SDE?

urbo DPMpp SDE should be utilized at CFG scale 2 for standard work, and 3-4 for styled imagery, with about 4-7 sampling steps.

3) What type of license does DreamShaper XL have?

tability AI Non-Commercial Research Community License applies to DreamShaper XL, allowing non-commercial usage but requiring permission from StabilityAI for any commercial application.

4) Which samplers are compatible with DreamShaper XL Turbo?

he current Turbo version of DreamShaper XL is designed to be used with DPM++ SDE Karras or Normal samplers, but not with LCM sampler.

5) How can users support the development of DreamShaper XL?

o support Civitai, users can add a ❤️ to the DreamShaper page f.





DreamShaper XL Turbo DPMpp SDE Stable Diffusion Civitai SDXL Turbo


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